Thursday 25 December 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, dear readers!!!!!! That is if there's anybody left still reading this blog...I'm hoping to be back at work next month, so keep stopping by.

I hope you and your loved ones all have a fantastic Christmas. Remember not to get TOO drunk, because nobody wants to call an ambulance on Christmas Day! :P

Go on - eat, drink and be merry!


Thursday 11 December 2008

999 transcripts

A few weeks ago, the Guardian Weekend magazine had a very interesting piece about 999 calls. It features several transcripts of calls to the ambulance service, and shows readers what it's really like when you pick up the phone and request an ambulance.

Personally, I'm fed up with the way that TV programmes such as Eastenders and even Casualty portray the initial contact. OK, I understand that having a five minute scene where the person reels off information such as the patient's address and level of consciousness may not make enthralling viewing, but the number of times I've seen Peggy Mitchell bark "Yeah, I need an ambulance now! My son's been assaulted!" and then slam the phone down is infuriating!

Friends of mine outside the emergency services have commented that the feature is a fascinating insight into how things work 'behind the scenes', and how important it is for callers to remain calm in what are obviously very distressing situations.

Here's a link in case you haven't read it yet.